Thursday, June 3, 2010

Oh The Places You Will Go!

On Monday we started the great task of packing up and heading out to Kentucky! It was a very long, stressful and emotional day but thanks to many family and friends we did it! We could not have done it with out them!

This move has not been the easiest thing ever but we are thankful to the Lord for his provisions! Monday I got a call that our U-Haul was ready. So we drove over to the rental place not even 10 minutes away and when we got there they had no truck for us. They had given it to someone else though they had just called me 10 mins. earlier! Needless to say this was not a wonderful thing....thankfully someone called and cancelled as we were standing there so they ended up giving us a much smaller truck but at least it was something. We got it home and just knew not all of our stuff was going to fit but we were willing to try it. We started to pack it. 20 minutes later U-Haul calls to tell us our truck is ready. Ummmm.....what? We were just there and told they didn't have it. Soooo....after much discussion we head back to U-haul to get the correct truck! whew!

The truck gets packed, the house gets cleaned we hug and say our goodbyes and off to "Tucky" we go!

We spent the night halfway in Charleston, West Virginia, thanks to "Uncle" offering for us to use some of his hotel points! This was such a blessing!

Tuesday morning we get up and head out on the rest of our journey! We arrive to our apartment complex around 2pm. To our surprise they too have "given away" our apartment. Not good when we have 2 cars and a 26 foot U-Haul sitting in front of the leasing office. They scramble to figure out how to solve this problem. After a while of discussion they decide to give us a different apartment that has an extra bathroom and small backyard for Kelsie for the same price. Praise the Lord for working that out! :)

We sign the lease, get the keys and head to start unloading the truck. While unloading we realize that the AC in this apartment is broken. There are pieces to it sitting out all on top of it and it is clear that someone knew it was broken and was working on it. Soooo we call the office, they say someone will be right over. Well, 24 hours, a very hot night, and a baby with a 104 fever later ...they show up to fix it. Hooray!

Today however, we walked across some carpet in the hall that was soaked. Call the office again. Someone comes. Apparently they never fixed it correctly yesterday so now the carpet in the hall & 2 closets is wet and has to be cleaned etc. tom. What a crazy experience!

In the midst of all of this Kelsie has been running a very high fever the past few days due to having hand, foot & mouth disease. I have been dealing with all the wonderful joys of "sickness" and now have a fever!

Needless to say it has been a very stressful few days in the Jones household! We are praying that these first few days will be the hardest and that things will just get better from here!

God will never give us more than we can handle right?!


Below are a few pictures from this past weekend at home with our people! Will post more soon!

Off to keep unpacking!

Love you all!
Us & Our People
Kelsie thought she was a Monkey!

Us with Nana


  1. Good heavens!!! Sounds crazy!! While all these hiccups have been surprises to you, remember they haven't been to God!! Hang in there!! I hope that Kelsie feels better quickly and that they get the carpets all cleaned up for you!!

  2. Thanks so much for the encouragement Megan!!! :)
