Sunday, June 6, 2010

An Eventful Sunday...

Well today was eventful.... Kelsie decided 4 different times in the middle of the night that she needed to "nuggle" Mommy. Soooo... at random points throughout the night she was either curled up underneath me, patting my back or laying on my head with her arms around my neck ha! Needless to say it was not a very restful night for Mommy.

Once we woke up I (of course) started getting sick. I was sooooo sad about this because we were going to go to a church today that sounded like it would be a good fit for us. Jordan and Kelsie still went but I stayed home and had a date with the bathroom & my pillow.

After church Kelsie needed to "nuggle" her Mommy again so she curled up and took a loooonnnng Sunday afternoon nap with me. She is just too precious!

After our nap I felt great! I was so excited to not feel pukey for once in almost a full week and had a little bit of energy. So I decided I would go and get us Subway for dinner. Well....once in Subway I started to feel a little funny and by the time I checked out I was passed out on the floor. Thankfully the sweet lady behind me helped me. They gave me a cookie and after a few minutes I was feeling a little better and drove back home. I passed out when I was pregnant with Kelsie but at least that time we had a whole group of friends with us. This time it was just me. Not so fun, but I am glad the people were so friendly and helpful.

Sooooo tonight I am back to the couch.... curled up with my favorite IKEA pillow and Mr. Cuddles (aka the most amazing blanket in the world) eating peanut butter crackers and watching the NBA finals (or not) with my Husband ha!

Hoping tomorrow will bring a whole new day of energy!

Day #2 Kentucky thing- The helpful Subway lady and Chocolate Chips cookies!
Day #2 Pregnant thing - Ummm.....knowing that in the end this will all be worth it!

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