Wednesday, November 3, 2010

One Week Down..... ? to go!

One week down... ? to go!!!

Well, I have survived week one of bed rest! At times it has been difficult and I have been extremely bored but the rest has also been nice!

This past week I have "solved" many crimes, "attended" many weddings,"celebrated" the births of many babies, as well as "campaigned" for the election! ha! All from my comfy recliner!

I went to the Doctor yesterday and both of the boys did very well on the stress test! I was so glad. Kohen did so much better and you could tell he is getting stronger. The bed rest seems to be working and I am so thankful! I do not want to be admitted to the hospital until these little boys are ready to be in my arms! The Doctor said that I looked good too and to keep up the rest!

This week I will have another stress test, flow study and ultrasound to see how much they have grown. Then next week I have 6 appointments, including the Fetal Heart Echo on Kohen on Monday. Whew! Maybe I should just take my pillow and favorite blanket and just do my bed rest there next week! ha!

On Tuesday I meet with the Dr. for him to tell me whether or not I can continue resting at home or if I need to be admitted to the hospital! Please be praying that he lets me stay home!

I wanted to do somethings that would keep me busy yet be meaningful while I was on bed rest so I came up with the idea of making matching Christmas stockings for my little ones (and Jordan and I too!) that we can use forever! I can't wait for all the fun Christmas memories to come!!! Paper flying everywhere, fighting over who gets to open what first, bed head and matching Christmas pjs! ah! Can't wait!

All 3 of the stockings!
(Will post pictures of Mine and Jordan's soon)

I cut out all the shapes and then hand stitched each square/circle onto the stocking one by one!

Kelsie and I have circles and Jordan and the boys have squares!

The boys have the same colors and shapes just in different orders!

This week's bed rest agenda - work on my Guitar Hero skills, make honey-do lists of what needs to be done before the boys come (Jordan will love me for this! ha!) and work on a special project for a friend!
But first......Tylenol and a nap to get rid of this ridiculous headache!!!!

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