Sunday, November 7, 2010

Am I gonna make it?

Am I gonna make it?

To be honest, some days I don't feel like I will. This question that has really been on my mind lately....especially last night and today.

But the answer is.... yes!

This situation we are in right now is definitely not ideal but I keep trying to remind myself it is only temporary. There are so many emotions going on and being so far away (562.3 miles to be exact) from things that are familiar and family and friends has been so incredibly difficult.

Last night was especially hard for me. I think everything that has been building up inside the past few weeks just decided it needed to come out. After going to the hospital with a few concerns and getting checked to make sure everything was ok J and I came home and I just kinda "fell apart" for lack of better words. I am SO ready to feel good, SO ready to not be pregnant, SO ready to just have these babies and Kelsie back and just start a normal life back. No bed rest. No doctors appointment. No feeling bad. No child in another state!

Having Kelsie so far away has been so hard..... I miss her terribly! I think having her gone and missing those little snuggle times and sweet hugs has been harder than anything. I wish so badly I could take care of her right now.... but..... I just can't. I know she is having a great time with all of "her people" and loving being with them. I am just very ready to have her back with me!

I keep trying to remind myself that this is only temporary and that these little boys need this from me. I am their is my job to take care of them before they are born and after. The more rest I get now the better off they will be when they decide to come and meet us. So, that is what I will do. Rest. Eat. and put my trust in the Lord that He will sustain me.

Some days are just so lonely. For the past few years I have been so used to having close friends around pretty much on a daily basis. Even if it was only just to come and sit on our couch and be lazy there was always someone around to talk to or play a game with. Life is very different these days. We really haven't established close friendships with anyone and the days are pretty quiet. Jordan is gone everyday from about 7am-6pm so it is usually just me and the tv. Oh, and the neighbors next door with a dog who never stops barking! ha! I have been thankful for things like face book and email that make is easier to feel like I have some "company" throughout the day.

I know that the Lord has a plan and that we are going through this "season" in our lives for a reason. It is making us more dependent on Him and less on ourselves. We are learning so much about trusting Him to sustain us and take care of us. He knows our hearts. He knows our troubles and he will be faithful to help us.

The days are not easy but I keep reminding myself that though I may feel alone I never truly am. The Lord is always there and He cares about me and the struggles I feel.

He is faithful.
He is here.
"For I am the Lord your God, who holds your right hand, who says to you,
Do not fear, I will help you."
Isaiah 41:13

"Making it" day at a time....

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, chica!! Sounds like you've got a great perspective, even though it takes some convincing. I know what you mean about feeling lonely!! When J and I moved to Cheyenne, I injured my leg pretty seriously within a month of moving in to our house. We hadn't found a church yet and our only friends were our realtors!! It was not a fun time being stuck on the couch with the tv. But it's over now! And before you know it you will have all your kiddos in your arms!!
