Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I love percentages! Well....sometimes!

Do you see this sweet face?! Ah! It melts my heart already!!!!

It's only Tuesday and I have already had 5 Dr. appointments! Whew! Luckily there is only one more this week and it isn't until Friday!

Yesterday was the Fetal Heart Echo for Kohen. I was very anxious about it but we were trusting the Lord and had a peace going into the appointment. Of course there are all the "what ifs" going through your mind constantly so I had to to keep bouncing those thoughts! Jordan got out of class early unexpectedly so it was very nice that he was able to go with me and I didn't have to go alone.

It basically was like an ultrasound but it was focused on the heart. The ultrasound tech went through and took "still" pictures of all the different parts and from different angles and then the Dr. came in and did a video version. They watch the blood flow and how the chambers open and close when it is beating. The said of course they can't say 100% that nothing is wrong with his heart but they saw no major issues and everything was in the correct spot and working well! They are 85% sure that his heart is perfectly fine! Wahoo! They said if anything is a problem it would just be something small that the pediatrician will pick up on after he is born. We are praising the Lord for this news!!!! And of course they could see that it said "I LOVE MOMMY!" all over it! ha!

Today I had a regular Dr. appt then the ultrasound growth scans and a stress test! Whew! That makes me tired all over again just to type it all! ha! After my first appointment they said to come home and have all my stuff packed as if I was going to the hospital because that would be decided after the growth scan. NOT fun! We already knew today was decision day but actually having to pack stuff and be ready did not help with the stress level! ha! But...we did it! 2 Cute Polka dot bags (Thanks to my Mama and Best Friend!), my new favorite blankie and pillow! ha!

The last growth scanned showed that there was a 23% difference between the boys weight. They want it to always stay less than 20%. This is why they decided I needed the be on bed rest two weeks ago so that the boys could have more opportunities (Esp. Kohen with having less vessels to his cord) to grow and the nutrients would get to them better. Today when they did the scan it showed that there was only a 16% percent difference between their weights!!! Which means......I get to stay at home in my comfy chair and own bed for at least another 2 weeks!!! Kohen weighed 3 lbs 3 oz and Kennan weighed 3lbs 13oz. We were so so so thrilled! I did a happy dance in the Doctors office! Literally! ha!

They will redo the scan again in two weeks. As long as it remains under 20% I can still stay home...otherwise I have to set up shop in the hospital. Jordan wants to take Guitar Hero and set it up there if I have to go.....for some reason I don't feel like other patients would like me very much if he did that! ha!

I am so thankful to be able to write this from my comfy chair! The Lord is hearing all of our (friends and family included!) prayers and is so faithful! We are so grateful for all he has done so far! We know that these little men are in His hands!

I will continue to be on bed rest until the boys are born....which let's just be honest is not fun...however, to see that it is actually working and these little boys are getting stronger makes it all worth it! And besides how will these people on TV solve crimes, pick out wedding dresses, and bring home babies without me?! They need me!

Thank you so much to each of you for all of you love, support, and encouragement! It has meant SO much to us and has truly lifted our spirits! Esp. mine!!! I am very thankful for each of you!

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