Friday, November 19, 2010

The Brudders vs. Fridays

Aren't Fridays supposed to be the most exciting day of the week?

Somehow my boys missed this memo and think that it should be the most stressful and eventful! First last Friday which led to a crazy weekend and then today! Whew!

Around 2:30am I woke up in a slight panic because my arms, neck, face and chest were suddenly swollen and completely red. I felt very flush and we checked my blood pressure and it was 141/66. This is incredibly high for me! We have been having trouble keeping it up high enough to be able to take meds because a side effect is that they lower blood pressure so for it to all of a sudden be so high was alarming. So, we had the doctor on call paged and he said that if it didn't go away to call back but if I could just hold out until my Dr. appointment today in their office and they would check me out.

So, I went back to bed still very uneasy about it all and attempted to rest. I woke up and felt ok, not the greatest but nothing like the few hours before. Jordan had to go to work but had done the cutest little things to make it easier on me while he was away. It was the first time he had left me all week so he was trying to make sure I was covered. He had made me a cooler of drinks and snacks to keep beside the couch so I didn't have to get up and had already put pancakes in the microwave so all I would have to do was hit cook to make breakfast. Ha! He is such a good little helper and has been a great nurse, maid, chef and encourager.

I am very thankful for him!

My breakfast J so lovingly prepared for me before he left!

My little cooler of drinks and snacks!

He called around lunchtime to check on me and said he was going to go ahead and come home so he could take me to my Dr. appt since I had had a rough night and it would be a lot of walking (which I haven't been allowed to do) he was concerned it would be too much to do alone. Very thoughtful of him! So off we went.

A new bracelet to add to my collection

By the time we got there I was feeling a little funny again and sure enough by the time the ultrasound was done and we were headed for the stress test I started having another "episode" like this morning- Hot, flush, high bp, swelling.... joy. At least we were at the doctor's office so they could see what was happening first hand. The were worried because these are signs of preeclampsia which can be very dangerous for the mother so they sent me over to the hospital to have some tests done. Yay for being a human pin cushion yet again (not)!

All the test came back ok so they decided to send me home once my BP went down again. They said this could be the beginning of preeclampsia so I have to watch for any pain around my liver, severe headache, spots and more high blood pressure. So basically I have to wait until I feel like total death until they will be able to do anything. Usually the only solution to preeclampsia is that you have to have the babies right away. Which right now I am TOTALLY ok with! ha!

The fun little monitors I have to be hooked up to each week.

The boys looks great on the tests today and the ultrasound showed that their lungs were good and strong! The steroids seemed to do their job! Wahoo! This was really comforting to us to know that if they do need to take them that they look good and strong.

How many monitors can one belly hold?

So now .... we wait. I am beginning to become incredibly drained but and trying to "keep my eyes on the prizes!" The nurse was very honest with me and told me that from here until they come will be very difficult so to try and hang in there as much as I can. I am definitely beginning to feel like I am slowly breaking down but am trying to be strong. Some days are better than others. I am just so emotionally and physically exhausted. So ready to just hold my sweet boys and feel normal again!

I think I can..... I think I can....I think I can.......

1 comment:

  1. You definitely have a keeper of a husband!! Keep hanging in there, momma!!! Hope things are going well!! Happy Thanksgiving!!
