Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Life Lately....

Well talk about being a major slacker with blogging! ha!

After traveling for a few weeks in a row I just got lazy and didn't keep up! So sorry friends! ha!
Life these days in "Tucky" are going pretty well. Jordan is studying away at Hebrew Union learning all kinds of different languages and such. It all just looks like chicken scratch on a rock to me but he can actually read what it says! ha! He is loving the challenge and working very hard in all of his courses! I am very proud of him. I laughed pretty hard when I went to take a bubble bath last night and he had used Kelsie's bathtub crayons to practice his Hebrew while in the shower ha!

Jordan's Hebrew...in the shower! ha!

Kelsie has started preschool and LOVES it! She has 9 little classmates and loves her teachers Mrs. Bobbie & Mrs. Ruth. They are very sweet ladies and so much fun to be around! I love for her to tell me about what she has learned and sing me the new songs she learns. So far the "Bumble Bee" song is her favorite! I am so glad she loves it and even though it is just 2 days a week for 4 hours a day it is an AMAZING break for me!

Kel's class!

As for me ... I am "hanging in there"! ha! Growing two little people at once is SO NOT easy! We are now in the third trimester and I can't believe it has gone by this fast! Last week I went to the hospital for some monitoring to make sure I wasn't going into pre-term labor and the Dr. believes I am actually 3 weeks farther along than originally thought!!! ah! Good thing we are all ready ... besides one good cleaning of the house of course! So now they are telling us to be prepared to meet these "little men" sometime between Thanksgiving and the beginning of December. We are so so so excited and can't wait to see their little faces!!! Little turkeys or little elves? That is the question! ha!

We have gotten really spoiled with the doctors doing ultrasounds every 2 weeks to monitor their growth! It is so amazing to see them on the screen and see how they are changing. Below are the latest pictures. I go again on Tuesday and can't wait to see them again! It will be so fun to see if their personalities are a lot like they are in the womb. Kohen (Baby A) has always been very calm and cooperates etc. Kennan (baby B) however, has gone from being breech (upside down) to now being transverse (laying horizontal across my stomach- which let me tell you is SUCH a pleasant feeling- not! ha!) and has always been the one who is wiggling around and wild on the ultrasound ha!

Sucking their little thumbs!

I am thankful that I have not been put on full bed rest yet and am only on "limited activity". Still not fun but I think I would go insane if they put me on full bed rest so I am hoping that we can make it without it! Fingers crossed! On a positive note I have only gained back 12lbs of the 15lbs that I LOST the first few months! ha! When I first found out we were having twins I read that the average woman gains between 35-65lbs when carrying twins! Was soooo not looking forward to that! ha! So as long as we can keep up this pattern I may end up weighing less once these little guys are born than before I got pregnant! ha! One can dream! ha!
Until next post....which I promise won't be far away!

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