Saturday, October 16, 2010


Don't you just love what kids say? I love to watch and listen to Kelsie and see what her little mind is thinking! It is so fun and I love her little imagination! I have decided to go through and collect as many "Kelsieisms" as I can and write them down so that one day when she is older I can give it to her! It will be so fun to be able and look back and see the precious and often hilarious things she has said throughout her childhood! Below are a few of the "Kelsieisms" I have collected so far!

October 2010

- Jordan: "Kelsie, you look beautiful like a princess!" Kelsie: "I'm not a princess Daddy! I'm Baby!"

-After jumping off of her bed and body slamming Jordan who was laying on her floor: "HAHA! Daddy "scrummed" Mom!" Me: "He scrummed?" Kelsie: "Yep! I jumped on him and he scrummed!" Me: "Do you mean he screamed?" Kelsie: " Yep! I made Daddy screamed!"

-In a very aggravated voice "Mommy, dat truck waked me up!" Me: "Umm...what truck Kel?" She then goes to her window, pulls back the blinds, points and says "Dat big beep, beep, beep one!" (Apparently the trash truck woke her up from her beauty sleep and it was NOT ok!

- "Ummmmm Kelsie...what are you doing?" Me (after she runs over and starts rubbing her nose on my belly!) "I had to nose kiss the brudders Mom!"-Kelsie

- Me: "Kel do you know what time it is?" Kelsie: "Ummmm...time for PEPSIIIII!" Me: "HA! try again!" Kelsie: "time for COOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFEEEEEEEE!!!!" Me: " about bedtime?!" Keslie: "Ummmmmmmmmmm.............nope!"

September 2010

- MOM! MOOOM!MOOOOM! THERE ARE APPLES IN MY JUICE!!!!!!! - Kelsie's revelation while looking at the picture on her juice box

- "You sad Mommy?"- Kelsie "No, I just don't feel very good Kel" - Me ; she then leans over, kisses my head and starts clapping and squealing "YAY!!!! I FIX IT!!! YOU ALL BETTER NOW!"

August 2010

- "Mommy lets share to-get-er!" - Kelsie as she take our bowls of cereal and pours them into one, thankfully there was no milk involved!

- "Mommy, I need to hold you!"

- "Mommy, I need some makes me crazzzzzy!!!!" - Kelsie "Ummm...I'm pretty sure you don't!" - Me "Oooooo man!" - Kelsie

- "Daddy I wanna go on a date!" - so off to Chucky Cheese we went!

July 2010

- "Daddy, I "quean" you!" - Kelsie as she whacks Jordan with a broom!

- " Mom, the two little babies are coming on a choo choo train!" - It took us a while to figure out where she got this from! Finally we figured it out! She was with us for an ultrasound and to her the heartbeats sounded like a train! So precious!

June 2010

-"Daddy, Daddy look! These are my sassy pants!!" - Kelsie in reference to her new glittery leggings!

- "WHY is my leg WET? Oh my GOSH! She PEED on me!!!! She was mad at me and I think she did it to punish me! Ahhh!" - Jordan ... .Kelsie's response while sobbing "I pottied on my Daddy!"

- As I am dealing with the joys or morning sickness (joy) Kelsie comes in and rubs my back and says "It's ok Mommy... you need some macky cheese?" Apparently when you are two"macky cheese" can solve anything!

- After coming home from running errands Kelsie ran to the couch and pulled the computer on her lap and started typing... "Kelsie what are you doing?" - Me "I checkin my email Mom!"

Such a sweet silly girl!

More "Kelsieisms" to come as I get them collected!

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