Thursday, June 17, 2010

Happy Thursday From Tucky!

Happy Thursday from "Tucky"!

This week has been ok so far. Jordan started his part time job on Monday and really enjoys it. He is working in the Library at Hebrew Union.

We have had really bad storms this week which was a little scary! One night we ended up sitting in the bathroom for a while because of a tornado being spotted a few miles away! There were all kinds of sirens and lots of loud thunder and lighting! Very unsettling but we were thankful for the Lord's protection! As my Mama said it gave us a whole new meaning to the hymn "Til The Storm Passes By"! ha!

Kelsie and I have had a fun time just being around the house and playing together! And of course enjoying her new daily obsession...Popcorn! ha!

Here is an update on the "favorites":


1. A sweet little "seasoned" lady in our Church named Jill...she has offered to help me anytime I need it! Ha! She was so precious. She had the church Secretary email me all of her info so I could get in contact with her if I needed any help!

2. The fact that the Target is placed right across from the Hospital! ha! I think it was strategically placed there for when I have "Kiwi"! Not that I will be going to Target during it but it will be fun for any family and friends who want to kill time! ha!

3. Everything is really close! All major stores, our church, Kroger etc. are all within 10 mins!

4. The fact that this is only temporary! ha! It is pretty lonely!


1. Longer finger nails!

2. Kelsie and this new munchkin will only be 2.5 years apart and hopefully grow up and be good friends!

3. Looking at fun baby stuff online!

4. Deciding on names! We have a girl's name all picked out! Boy has been a little more difficult! So I say it just needs to be another girl! ha!

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