Sunday, June 6, 2010

Black Gowns, Lots of Excitment and a Really Big Surprise!

Jordan and I graduated on May 15, 2010 from Liberty! Wahoo! Jordan graduated with a Master's of Religious Education and I finally got my bachelors in Interior Design! It was a great day filled with family and friends! Though it was indeed long, starting at 9:30am and ending around 3:30pm it was a wonderful day and we were so thankful that so many people came out to celebrate with us!

After the ceremonies we went to one of our favorite local places called "Yellow Sub". It is literally a little hole in the wall place but we have grown to love it over our past 6 years in Lynchburg! There we would continue the graduation celebration as well as make a big announcement!

When we found out we were pregnant with Kelsie Jordan and I made onesizes for each of our parents and grandparents and gave them to open. It was very fun! Though by the time we got home to give them onesizes they had all already figured out why we made a surprise visit home! ha! So this time we wanted to do something that they maybe wouldn't get right away! ha!

Our first idea was to make little diplomas and roll them up and pass them out and have everyone open them at the same time...but the more we thought about it the more obvious we thought that would be! So we went on to plan B!

We made diplomas for our parents! We framed and wrapped them and Jordan planned a little "Thank You" for your support in college speech! ha!

It was perfect! :) We gave them the gifts and they read them and didn't get it at first...then Mom did! She was like "AH! Jeanette! I don't think you read that!!!" ha! It was great! After they figured it out and announced it the celebrating continued! We were so happy to be able to tell all of our closest friends and family together! What a wonderful day!

The graduates!

The Diplomas!

They read:

University of Grandparents
this certifies that

Chris & Amy Howell / Jim & Jeanette Jones
Having successfully completing the prescribed course of instruction in


As developed and taught by Kelsie Noel Jones and thus having shown
proficiency is hereby awarded the title of

Grandparents of Two

Given by Baby Jones in the month of January two thousand and eleven

(Signed by the Proud Mama, Proud Daddy, Big Sister, and little sibling!)


  1. Oh my gosh, what a creative way to announce your news to the grandparents!! When James and I are pregnant, I already know I will want to tell the grandparents in a creative, fun way!! When the time comes I'll have to see what ideas you have. :)

  2. Sounds fun!!! I loved thinking of ideas! :)
