Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Laugh of The Day

This was too funny not to share!

Jordan (freaking): "WHY is my leg WET?! Oh my gosh! She PEED on me!!! AHHH! She was mad because I told her no and I think she did it to punish me! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

Kelsie (while sobbing): "I pottied on my Daddy!!!!"

HAHAHHAHHAHA!!! Enjoy the laugh!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Zoos Are Amazing...Even if They Smell!

Yesterday we went to the Cincinnati Zoo! It was AMAZING! It is not only a nationally known Zoo but it also a botanical garden! The scenery was beautiful and you truly felt as though you were in the jungle! Many of the animals you could feed right out of your hand and they had different places around the park where people stood with animals and you could hold pet them!
It was sooooo much fun! We had a blast!

This little cat was hilarious! It kept running back and forth across the window and Kelsie thought it was hysterical! She laughed and laughed!

So excited about the Zoo!

Peacock!!! They were roaming everywhere!

Manatees! So fun!

Kelsie & Essie in front of the Rhino!

Kelsie of the Jungle!

She had to pet EVERY goat in the petting Zoo! ha!

Giraffes!!! You could feed them right out of your hand!

Elephants were inside for feeding time!

Isn't Dumbo cute?

The Monkeys were hilarious! They would do tricks to get your attention!

BIG Peacock!

Kelsie & Mommy


Looking at the Puffins!

Brown Bear...he wasn't very friendly!

Myrtle the Turtle!

Favorite things: (Catching up from the past few days)

1. MY BEST IS HERE FOR TWO WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Need I say more?!
2. The Cincinnati Zoo! Amazing! Everyone should come and visit!
3. The fact that yesterday was only 76 degrees with 1% of humidity!
4. The ice cream truck that comes through our neighborhood! I love ice cream trucks but we have recently learned that sometimes they are undercover drug deals...sooooooo I have been afraid to go get ice cream from it yet! But I get VERY excited when I hear it coming ha! Maybe one day I will be brave and get some ice cream! ha!

1. I had a good night of sleep last night! WAAAHOOOO! So thankful for it!
2. I go for my first ultrasound on Friday at noon and am VERY excited! As long as it doesn't show the THREE babies that my Best friend dreamt I had last night! ha! Though she assured me they were really cute! ha!
3. Sickness is starting to get a little better....I am feeling more wiped out than pukey so that is good! I think... ha!
4. Coming up with some sort of plan to be "home" to have this baby too! ha!
Happy Wednesday everyone!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sometimes Birthdays Come in UPS Boxes!

Happy 2nd Birthday to our sweet Kelsie Noel!

She brings our lives so much joy! We are so thankful to be her parents!

Trying to get her to do least we got 2 hands! ha!

Wahoo! Wahoo! I am TWO!
Yay for birthdays!

Such a sweet girl!
Opening her present from Gram & Grandaddy!
Her exact words "Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness!"
She is so excited about her "monies"!

Opening her present from Mommy & Daddy!
Curious George!!!!!!
She loves him! :)
George is her new Best Friend!

Opening her present from the Vicks!
Yay for a fun book!
She loves it!

Opening her present from Em, Pop Pop, Tay Tay, Bubba & Ry Ry!
A scooter!!!
So fun!

Opening her present from Mumpy & Meme-Nice!
Sooooooooooo excited! Her exact words "Ooooh Woooow!"
More presents!
She loves presents!
Yay for pretty clothes!!!

Reading her card!

Opening her present from Aunt Sherry & Uncle Jimmy!

Yay for presents!
She loved her dresses!
Thank you everyone for making her day so special! We love you!
Favorite things for today:
The mail system! So thankful that we still have a way to celebrate birthdays from far away!
Up to 10lbs lost! ha! This baby may make me skinny! ha!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sweet Tea & A Kiwi

Happy Thursday!

Today was a fun day! I went to the Dr. for "Kiwi" and got to hear the heartbeat! Love it! They said everything looked great! Can't wait until I go next Friday for an ultrasound!

My Favorite things for today are....

Kentucky: Free Sweet Tea! ha! Today after my appointment I took Kelsie to get some "Chicky Fries". I ordered a sweet tea for me but when we got to the window the girl didn't ring it up so she gave it to me for free! I offered to pay but she just smiled and said "Have a Nice Day!"

Pregnant: Hearing the sweet little heartbeat! Kelsie kept saying "Mommy, what's dat? what's dat?" ha!

Exciting days ahead for the Jones'!

Kelsie's birthday Saturday....Best comes to visit Sunday....and ultrasound Friday! Wahoo!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Our Little Apartment

Here are some pictures from our new "little" apartment!

Our living room

Dining area...hopefully there will be a kitchen table there eventually!

Kelsie's Room


Favorite thing about Kentucky today:
Milk here is only $1.88! ha! This is exciting to me!
Favorite thing about being pregnant today:
I go to my first OB appointment here in KY tomorrow! Can't wait to hear the little heart beat!

Monday, June 21, 2010

"It's ok Mommy...You need some Macky Cheese?"

Happy Kelsie's Birthday week!

I can't believe she will be TWO on Saturday! Time goes by so fast!

Two years ago this time our family was going through a very difficult time. Today is the day that we lost sweet Melanie. She was such a special person and I cherished the friendship that we had. What a peace and joy it is to know that we WILL see her again one day in Heaven!

Here are my favorite things of the day!


Ummm....these are getting kind of hard ha! I think today my favorite thing would be my dishwasher! I LOVE IT!!!! Is safes me so much time! I hate washing dishes so having this dishwasher just makes my life happy! ha!


The sweetness and concern of Kelsie! Today she was so precious! I was throwing up and she came behind me, rubbed my back and said "It's ok Mommy. You need some macky cheese?" ha! I love that she thought "macky cheese" would make me feel better!

A few weeks ago I was throwing up and she came to me and said "Mommy, say BLAAAH!" (as she pretends to throw up!) It was much needed comic relief at the time! ha!

I go to my first Dr.'s appt here on Wednesday! I am hoping it goes well and I like the Dr.! Will keep you updated!

Love and hugs to all!

"Happy Fadder's Day Dad!"

They have so much fun together!

"Happy Fadder's Day Dad!" -Kelsie