Friday, March 19, 2010

1,408.13 Miles and A Whole Lot of Decisions

Whew! What a crazy past 7 days we have had! Last Friday Jordan and I traveled to Washington D.C. to look at a school that he was accepted at. It was a beautiful school and we really enjoyed our little road trip! We got there a few minutes early so Jordan decided to check his email. Upon checking his email he saw that there was one from "Hebrew Union College" another school he had applied to but knew he wouldn't get it. Upon opening the email he found out not only that he had gotten in but that they wanted to give him a full ride scholarship! We were in SHOCK!!!!! This school is very hard to get into and it looked at in the academic world as being in the same catergory has Harvard and Yale. He could not believe that he got in on the first try and that was being offered a free education! Needless to say finding this out right before you are supposed to take a tour of another school was crazy! ha! As we were on the tour of CUA in D.C. we stopped in the Library and the guide began to tell us about it. I looked and above the man's head are all the "Hebrew Union College" academic Journals. As soon as he turned around I jokingly said to Jordan "Look, it's a sign"! ha!

Catholic University of America- Washington D.C.
More of CUA - Beautiful Building

These mints were hysterical - "Have Faith and Fresh Breath"

After we left Catholic we decided that since this was our spring break we should probably go and visit Hebrew Union College which is in Cincinnati Ohio. We called "Gram & Grandaddy" and they were more than happy for Kelsie to have a vacation with them so we could make the long 10 hours drive to OH! After church on Sunday we started on our adventure. We stayed in Louisville, KY with some great friends that we hadn't seen in a while! It was get to get some time with them! On Monday we drove the 1.5 hours from Louisville to Cincinnati. We toured the school and Jordan loved it! The people there were most helpful and really friendly! It's a Jewish school so I told Jordan I was afraid to tell them we were from the "Ham Capital of the World". Ha! We had a very nice visit and then started to drive around and check out the area and looked at a few apartments just to see what things might be like. It will definitely be very different than anything we have ever experienced. We are excited about this adventure and scared to death all at the same time. Being so far from home is our number one concern right now but with all the technology we have these days we are hoping that it will make things much easier.
As of right now it looks like we will be moving to Cincinnati Ohio the first week of June! ah!!! Please be in prayer for us as we look for jobs, a home, and a good church! Please also be in prayer for our emotions. It is very exciting to get to experience a new place but at the same time it will be incredibly difficult to leave all of our friends and family and travel so far away!
We are excited to see what God has planned for our lives and all that he is going to accomplish through Jordan and his studies!

Driving through West Virginia

Waterfall in the side of the mountain on Interstate 64


Ancient Near Eastern Study Books! - Jordan was in Heaven

Hebrew Union College

I think he's just a little excited!

1 comment:

  1. So happy for this opportunity for you guys! Can't wait to visit :) I love you! -Es
