Friday, July 2, 2010

Thing 1 & Thing 2!

Sooo...we went today for an ultrasound and look what we found! ha! TWINS!!!

Thing 1 & Thing 2
(Thank you Dr. Suess for writing a fun book about them! ha!)

I think they were having a flipping contest!

Baby A aka Thing 1!

Baby B aka Thing 2!

Sooo precious!!!
Can't wait to meet them!!!
Due: January 8, 2011


  1. Congrats, Rachel!! Were you expecting that at all? Do twins run in either of your families? Are they identical? One of my sister's friends had twins in February... here is her blog if you ever get bored. Her birth story might be in the older posts...

  2. Thanks Megan! I went for an ultrasound before we moved and they said they thought they saw 2 sacs but it was way to early (3 weeks) to really tell.I went for an ultrasound here on Friday and both of their cute faces popped right up on the screen! :) Totally shocked that they first Dr. was right! ha! Jordan's grandfather was a twin and I have a cousin who had twins but that is all between our families! We are very excited!!! :)

  3. Forgot to answer about the identical part! There are 2 sacs and 2 placentas which can mean either fraternal or identical so we will see! I am thinking it is a boy and girl but we will see! :)
